
Start of firetrail

We live in a beautiful area. The bush, with its native plants and animals, is a major reason for that beauty.

The types of vegetation in our area, was strongly influenced by the geology of underlying rock, the climate, the fire regime and the animals in the area. Our area is situated within the geological feature known as the Hornsby Plateau. The vegetation and plant communities it supports vary from the most beautiful floral displays in our poor sandy soil areas, to richer soil areas derived from shale with two endangered ecological communities, The Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest and its surrounding Transition Forest.

The combined values of these areas create a vital refuge for native plants and animals which are threatened by encroaching urbanisation in the Sydney Region.

Most of the core bushland in the Still Creek Catchment is pristine, with clean water, healthy vegetation and plenty of wildlife.

The area also has a rich history of farming and horticulture and now supports a growing number of residential properties. Native Vegetation and Wildlife are an asset to the property. Insects, birds and microbats are important for pest control and plant pollination, trees and shrubs provide shelter for stock. Native pastures offer reliable, low-maintenance grazing. Native vegetation minimises erosion and soil loss along creeks and rivers- particularly on steep slopes. A healthy native ecosystem also makes the property a more attractive and interesting place to live and work.

The most valuable native vegetation habitat features are large undisturbed areas and corridors that connect these. Native vegetation with shrub layer and groundcovers, native pasture, large old trees, wetlands, rocky outcrops and even fallen timber can help to look after the existing bushland and its inhabitants.

The most important strategy is to protect native vegetation and habitat on the property- attempting to replant what has been lost is much more expensive and time consuming.

What can we do?

This is how you can integrate conservation of bushland and wildlife with farming and hobby farming:

  • Fence off native vegetation, stream banks and remnant trees from livestock
  • Provide long rest periods between grazing of native pasture
  • Protect native vegetation from fertilisers and septic discharge
  • Retain mature and standing trees as habitat
  • Control weeds
  • Manage stock access around dams and watercourses

And most importantly

Protect native vegetation and habitat on our property. Attempting to replant what has been lost is more expensive and time consuming.


Download this information as a brochure here