
Feel like helping to save your local environment and have some fun?

Our landcare group offers opportunities to all. On the land there is weeding and planting, in the creeks there is testing the water and finding waterbugs.

Our working bees on people’s properties happen each month to attack weeds or replace them with local native plants. They run for a couple of hours and then we have morning tea and a chat. The next one gets organised for someone else’s place.

Interested? Then contact us for more information using the email link on the right or ring Nick on 9653 2056.

Trees for Weeds has continued from 2024 to 2025

We are again providing local provenance native trees, shrubs and grasses to locals who have worked on their land to reduce weeds and create canopy and good ground covers. We also provide advice on what plants will suit your property and some starter fertiliser and moisture retention crystals. This covers Hornsby shire west of the gorge and Hills shire west of Old Northern Rd. The following photos show some of our previous work.

18 Radnor Rd grasses Nov 20 collage

Platypus in our local creeks

Platypus have been found in some creeks in our area and 22 locations have been tested for platypus DNA, see these articles:

Platypus Here

Platypus eDNA

Platypus in Backyards


About Us : Still Creek Landcare brochure

General guide : 5 Step Guide to Help the Catchment

See the Soil Health Series videos with Harry in the yellow vest and the Soil Health card.